

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Google Analytics for WordPress

If you want to incorporate the Google Analytic in your wordpress blog. Here is a plugin that can help you.

Google Analytics Wordpress Plugin.

Full list of features:

* Simple installation through integration with Google Analytics API: authenticate, select the site you want to track and you're done.
* This plugin uses the asynchronous tracking code, the fastest and most reliable tracking code Google Analytics offers.
* Option to manually place the tracking code in another location.
* Outbound link & downloads tracking.
o Configurable options to track outbound links either as pageviews.
o Option to track just downloads as pageviews in Google Analytics.
* Allows usage of custom variables in Google Analytics to track meta data on pages. Support for the following custom variables:
o Author
o Single category and / or multiple categories
o Post type (especially useful if you use custom post types)
o Logged in users
o Publication Year
o Tags
* Possibility to ignore any user level and up, so all editors and higher for instance.
* Easily connect your Google AdSense and Google Analytics accounts.
* Option to tag links with campaign tracking, with the option to use hashes (#).
* Option anonymize IP's, for use in countries like Germany.
* Full debug mode, including Firebug lite and ga_debug.js for debugging Analytics issues.
* Allow local hosting of ga.js file.
* Tracking non default search engines
* Tracking of login and registration forms.

For all thos wondering why I'm using this blogspot for Wordpress entry heres my little explanation.

XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress 4.0.2

It is awkward to blog about wordpress plugin here in my blogspot website. But I'd like to organize my blogs. Here in blogspot I will blog about techniques in SEO that can help my sites - whether wordpress blog or blogspot, to gain traffic, link building, and google adsense and earning thru blogging. I pick SEO here as my blogging niche Yeah, that's blogging niche for you :)

Anyway last time I mentioned about sitemap generator, having said I'd like to add a wordpress plugin that could generate a sitemap instantly. If you have a wordpress sites this might help you.

Here the plugin site.

Google XML Sitemaps with Multisite support is just modified Google XML Sitemaps plugin, originally written by Arne Brachhold.

Some time ago I was employed to work on site, which needs to drive two sites on one WordPress installation – one for Croatian version and another for the English one. Everything seemed fine until I realized that Google XML Sitemaps isn’t working with Multi site installation.

My modification changes this – you can have numerous sites on one installation and each of them can have own sitemap.

* Install “Google XML Sitemaps with Multisite support” through the WordPress admin (or download)
* Create “sitemaps” directory in directory where you’ve installed WordPress
* Make “sitemaps” writeable”

That’s it. 99% percent of work is done by Arne so, thank you Arne. I hope that our projects will merge into the one in the near future.

Deep Linking

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